Port Orchard Library

Come into any local branch for your free library card! You’ll be able to access public computers, get help researching your own interests, get help to download eBooks or Audio books, or choose to participate in community events where everyone is welcome.

The Children’s Cove Librarians in each branch offer year-round free, educational & playful programs for youngsters & teens.

Our public libraries include nine branch locations, and all times online (see website – www.krl.org). Community libraries are open 6 days/week, and also provide community meeting rooms (reserve online or in-person).

Located on the waterfront, in downtown Port Orchard, across from the foot ferry
lies the Port Orchard Library, also known as the Kitsap Regional Library.

This library is very involved in the community and hosting many of the events that occur in this Port Orchard town. Weekends can be sought for community events such as child readings or the monthly art walks.

Visit this library whether it pertains to the events or readings that interest you. Explore beyond your imagination with readings that’ll take you beyond your question of thought.



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