Disc Golf

Building a world-class disc golf community in the West Sound, this group is dedicated to introducing new players and promoting the sport at all levels of play. Information and specific driving directions are found on their website [wsdga.org], or Facebook page. Team Disc Golf Players — watch for details (on wsdga Facebook page) of the annual Kitsap Classic Event at Horseshoe Lake.

Check our local Disc Golf Facility  —


Van Zee Park (300 Tremont Street, Port Orchard 98366 – Off Hwy 16, exit Tremont – Eastbound on Tremont, enter on the South side of the street by Tennis courts).  This wonderful city park features wooded rolling hills, with open areas.  Designed as a recreational course with plenty of variety — elevation change and sloped greens provide a degree of challenge.  Park is easily accessible from upper and lower (paved) parking lots.  Find the first tee by the playground.


Map and Directions